What is Online Counseling?
Online counseling seeks to expand face-to-face counseling by taking advantage of the latest mediums of communication: e-mail, live chat, telephone etc.
Who benefits from Online Counseling?
Anyone can benefit from online counseling, although it certainly caters to people with particular needs. For example: people living in rural settings where there are few if any counselors, business people "on the go," and people who, for various reasons, are unable or unwilling to seek face-to-face counseling.
What can I expect from Online Counseling?
You can expect to have your thoughts, feelings and concerns taken very seriously. You can expect professional advice and information from a counselor who is experienced and well-established. You can expect to learn more about yourself, your strengths, and your potential as a person. (Also see Disclaimer)
What is an Aptitude Test?
An aptitude test is a test designed to measure a person's potential ability to perform an activity of a specialized kind.
What is the difference between aptitude, skill and proficiency ?
Skill is the ability to perform a given act with ease and precision. Proficiency has almost the same meaning, except that it is more comprehensive. It not only includes skill in certain motor and manual activities, but also in other type of activities as shown by the extent of one's competence in language, history, economics, mathematics. We can speak of one's degree of proficiency in any type of performance.
Aptitude, on the other hand means the capacity to acquire proficiency under appropriate conditions, i.e.
a person's
potentialities at present, as revealed by his/ her
performance on selected tests that have predictive value.
When we speak of a person's aptitude for a specified activity, we do not make any assumptions regarding the degree to which it depends upon natural talent or whether it has been acquired by prior training.
Why are Aptitudes Tested?
An aptitude test is given to an individual in order to obtain a measure of his/
promise or essential "teachability" in a given area. Aptitude testing is one tool for educational/ career selection. It can help you find where your aptitudes lie, and why certain occupations may be more suitable to you than others.
The more the information available to you, the better your decision will be. PsyCounsel can help you marry your interests, academic achievements, aptitudes and personality characteristics. But the most important thing is knowing yourself, knowing your own strong points. You should formulate your goals based on this knowledge.
What is Personality?
An individual's personality is described as the most outstanding impression that he/ she creates in others. It is the attribute or quality that is highly typical of the person and is an important factor while creating an over-all impression on others. It is these characteristics that make a person unique.
Why should one undergo a Personality Test?
Personality tests are instruments that measure these unique attributes that exist in an individual. It can be used to give a complete description of a person's personality traits. Personality of a person is a sum total of his approach to others (impersonal, warm, participating), his thinking style (abstract, concrete), emotions, assertiveness, attitude, toughness, practicality, flexibility, imagination, self esteem, extroversion, anxiety, sociability, etc., to name a few.
How does a Personality test help?
Personality tests attempt to measure an individual's personal traits scientifically. Some standardized personality tests consist of lists of personal questions requiring yes or no answers. The answers can be analyzed for various characteristics. For example, a person might score high in social introversion, which would indicate a strong preference for being alone. Such a person might find scientific research more satisfying as a career than teaching science in a classroom. Psychologists use personality tests as clues for further study of an individual.
What is Intelligence ?
Intelligence is the ability to learn from experience, think in abstract terms and deal effectively with one's environment. In other words, it is the aggregate or global capacity of an individual to act purposefully and to think rationally.
Why does one do IQ Evaluation?
An intelligence test will give you information regarding your intellectual capacity, in terms of your existing general knowledge, your ability to think, analyze and use logical deductions while indulging in problem solving activities. It is also used by
to aid and confirm a certain diagnosis.
What is special about PsyCounsel and its Testing Philosophy and Methodolgy?
At the outset PsyCounsel is an organization conceived and run by a Clinical Pstychologist . It does not confine itself to one school of thought and has always tried to take the best from related fields like Neuro-linguistic Programming and Emotional Intelligence so that its clients benefit from all round evaluation and assistance based on the latest developments in the field. This comprehensive testing by PsyCounsel will give you an overall picture of your various capabilities, positive and negative characteristics, and
provide professional advice on
how you can work on different areas to overcome your short comings and cultivate your strengths. An objective picture of your qualities will help you decide as to what areas you need to improve upon, what skills you need to develop and what careers or vocations will suit you best. You need to cash in on your capabilities and learn to
overcome and/ or
downplay your weak points to be successful in life. Expert Counseling will be provided to help you look at yourself objectively (at your skills and weaknesses) so that you are in a better position to take mature decisions regarding major concerns in your life.
What is Emotional Intelligence?
Emotional Intelligence was initially defined as a form of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one's own and others' feelings and emotions, to discriminate amongst them, and to use this information to guide one's thinking and actions. Emotional intelligence has as much to do with knowing when and how to express emotion, as it does with controlling it. Empathy is a particularly important aspect of emotional intelligence, and researchers have known for years that it contributes to occupational success. A person's ability to perceive, identify, and manage emotion provides the basis for the kinds of social and emotional competencies that are important for success in almost any job. Psychologists dealing with Emotional Intelligence are best situated to help clients to use emotional intelligence to improve both productivity and psychological well-being in the workplace of tomorrow.
What is Neuro Linguistic Programming? How does it help?
NLP is based on the idea that we experience the world through our senses and translate sensory information in to thought processes, both conscious and unconscious. Thought processes activate the neurological system, which affects physiology, emotions and behaviour. NLP is about learning how to manage our neurological system optimally.
Much of NLP learning is about learning how to think effectively and to communicate with yourself and others more effectively. NLP also teaches people how to recode their experiences, and organize their internal programming, so as to get what they want.
What is LD/ Dyslexia?
LD pertains to Learning Disabilities. Dyslexia is a specific learning disability whose origin is neurological. Typical characteristics are difficulty with accurate/ fluent word recognition, poor spelling and decoding abilities. These difficulties are a result of a deficit in the phonological component of language. Dyslexia is just one type of learning disability. Others include Dyscalculia - a mathematical disability and Dysgraphia a neurological-based writing disability in which a person finds it hard to form letters.
How do people get Dyslexia? Is it curable?
The causes for dyslexia are neurobiological and genetic. Individuals inherit the genetic links for dyslexia. Chances are that one of the child's parents, grandparents, aunts, or uncles is dyslexic. Dyslexia is not a disease and hence it follows that it can not be cured. With proper diagnosis, appropriate instruction, effort, family and peer support, dyslexics can succeed in school and later as working adults.
What is ADHD?
ADHD is Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder. The main features of ADHD include hyperactivity, impulsiveness, and an inability to sustain attention or concentration. These symptoms occur at levels that cause significant distress and impairment and are generally far more severe than normally found in children of similar ages and developmental levels.
Can Parents of ADHD Children seek help?
Treatment can include the use of medications, special educational programs and psychotherapy . Majority of children with ADHD respond to medication. This allows them to improve their attention span, perform tasks better, and control behavior. As a result, children get along better with their teachers, classmates, and parents. This, in turn, improves their self-esteem. Psychotherapy enables children to cope with their disorder and the reaction of others to it. An essential component of psychotherapy involves the work of the psychologist with both the child and the parents to develop techniques for behavior management.
Can Stress be managed?
Stress is the body's response to any unpleasant situation. Anything can cause stress as long as it is perceived as unpleasant. Stress comes in many forms and is unavoidable in life. A transient feeling of anxiety and stress is experienced by most people sometime in life. In the course of growing up, the feeling of anxiety is experienced and usually mastered by every child and adolescent. Anxiety may centre on certain issues or situations. A mild degree of anxiety and stress may actually be stimulating, as well as motivating, and may help in overcoming stress. On the contrary, a high level of stress may be disrupting. The aim is to function with a level of stress that is life enhancing, not threatening.
Can one help in facing a Job Interview?
During an employment interview, the interviewer meets with possible candidates to evaluate their capabilities, competence and experience. As a prospective candidate you will be in the hot seat, facing the interviewer and knowing that your future depends on the outcome of the interview. Always keep in mind that there are no standard responses. Your replies should be clear and relevant. Do not lose sight of the fact that an interview is a two-way street. From your perspective, the interview has two purposes - One, to market yourself, and two, to evaluate the position. One can get help to face interviews.
What is Self-Esteem?
Healthy self-esteem is based on our ability to assess ourselves and still be able to accept and value ourselves unconditionally. This involves a realistic acknowledgement of strengths and weaknesses and unconditional acceptance of self worth. Low self-esteem can create anxiety, stress, loneliness and increased likelihood for depression. It affects friendships and relationships, impairs academic and job performance, and can lead to underachievement and increased vulnerability to drug and alcohol abuse. These negative consequences reinforce the negative self-image and can take a person into a downward spiral of lower and lower self-esteem and cause self-destructive behavior. Sometimes low self-esteem can feel so painful that the professional help of a therapist or counselor is required.