Adult Resources
Obsessive Compulsive Spectrum Disorders

Compulsive Buying

Compulsive buying involves buying of more things than one can be afford, frequent buying of items that are not needed, or shopping for longer periods of time than intended. Compulsive buying is motivated by irresistible impulses and is characterized by spending that is expensive and inappropriate. The act often finally leads to marked distress in the individual and interferes with his/ her social or occupational functioning. Invariably, such behaviour also lead to financial problems. It has harmful consequences for the individual and tends to be chronic and stereotyped. This act in itself is actually pleasurable, until negative consequences develop.

Youth Resources
As a student or job seeker don’t you want to know your aptitudes, strengths and weaknesses,
personality. Examine the effect of self esteem and see...More ..
Parenting Problems
Parenting is probably the most demanding role…. Help on parental stress, anger management, parental communication…. Find answers to your...More ..
Psychological Testing
Psychometric tests are standardized to measure aspects of personality, aptitudes, traits and
characteristics of a person through responses... More ..
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